Health Requeriments to Travel Between Asuncion and Santa Cruz

These are entry restrictions that each government sets for travelers. We recommend you to thoroughly read the current restrictions, not only before purchasing the ticket, but also in the days prior to the flight since they can constantly change. The passenger is responsible for having the necessary documentation to make the trip.

FROM ASUNCIÓN – SANTA CRUZ For nationals, foreigners and foreign residents in Bolivia.

  1. Valid Identity Document.
  2. Vaccination certificate against COVID-19: Not required.
  3. SARS-CoV-2 Test: Not required.
  4. All passengers must present an International Certificate of Vaccination against Yellow Fever. This vaccination certificate is required for travelers from/to regions at risk of disease transmission which include; Bolivia (Beni and Santa Cruz), Brazil (Pará, Tocantins, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, Paraná Rio Grande do Sul, Amazonas), Colombia (Villagarzón, Orito and Valle del Guamuez, Putumayo), French Guiana (Massara de la Ciudad Lethem), Perú (Junín, Ucayali, Ayacucho, San Martin and Madre de Dios) and the African Countries (Cameroonn, Chad, Congo, República Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Níger, Nigeria, and South Sudan). This document will be required at the entrance and departure from the Paraguayan territory (only the physical Vaccination Certificate or digital card, downloaded from your vaccine registration applications will be accepted; no photographies or photocopies will be accepted). The vaccine must be applied at least 10 days before the trip. Passengers who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons must present a certificate issued by a registered medical professional and authorized by the Health Authority of their origin country. 

FROM SANTA CRUZ – ASUNCIÓN:  Paraguayans citizens, foreigners, and residents in Paraguay

  1. Valid Identity Document.
  2. Vaccination certificate against COVID-19: Not required.
  3. SARS-CoV-2 Test: Not required.
  4. All passengers must present an International Certificate of Vaccination against Yellow Fever. This vaccination certificate is required for travelers from/to regions at risk of disease transmission which include; Bolivia (Beni and Santa Cruz), Brazil (Pará, Tocantins, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, Paraná Rio Grande do Sul, Amazonas), Colombia (Villagarzón, Orito and Valle del Guamuez, Putumayo), French Guiana (Massara de la Ciudad Lethem), Perú (Junín, Ucayali, Ayacucho, San Martin and Madre de Dios) and the African Countries (Cameroonn, Chad, Congo, República Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Níger, Nigeria, and South Sudan). This document will be required at the entrance and departure from the Paraguayan territory (only the physical Vaccination Certificate or digital card, downloaded from your vaccine registration applications will be accepted; no photographies or photocopies will be accepted). The vaccine must be applied at least 10 days before the trip. Passengers who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons must present a certificate issued by a registered medical professional and authorized by the Health Authority of their origin country, and must also comply with monitoring and sanitary controls for 6 days from their entry. All paraguayan citizens who are arriving from a risk area and do not have the International Vaccination Certificate, must also comply with monitoring and sanitary controls for 6 days from their entry.

Transit passengers in Asuncion:

Passengers in transit via Asuncion are allowed to stay at the airport for a maximum of 24 hours, when there is an agreement between airlines.

Failure to comply with the requirements may result in denied boarding.